How to Check your devices Uptime
Please follow the below instructions on how to retrieve your device's uptime
Windows 11
right click your taskbar and select Task Manager
Then select the performance tab:
Now select CPU
your uptime is at the bottom.
tip: you can screengrab this by holding down the following keys Windows key + shift + S and highlighting what you wish to screengrab
Windows 10
Open task manager by right clicking the task bar
On the Task Manager window, click the Performance tab and select the CPU section. You can see the uptime at the bottom of the page.
Click the More details option if you are using the compact view of Task Manager.
1. Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner on your screen, and select the option that says “About This Mac.” You will access the system panel from there.
2. When the About Mac panel launches, click on the option that says “System Report…” to be taken to the system panel.
3. When the System Report panel launches, select “Software” from the list on the left side. That is where the uptime information for your Mac is located.
In the following image the uptime of my Mac is 8 hours and 3 minutes. If it was in days, it would say so.
In the right panel you should be able to see some software information about your Mac. You will find “Time since boot,” the uptime of your Mac.